
Vitamin Injections

What is Vitamin Injections?

Vitamin injections have many benefits. The specific vitamin that you are getting injected determines the overall benefit that you may see; however, many benefits come from multiple injections, such as boosting your energy, supporting healthy skin and hair, supporting blood health, and more.

Vitamin Injection

Vitamin Injections

B12 £35

Vitamin C £35

  • Course of 6 £175

Biotin £50

  • Course of 6 £250

Vitamin D £50

Vitamin B12 – course of 6 £200

Vitamin C – Course of 6 £200

Biotin – Course of 6 from £250

  • Vitamin B Complex Injections

A mixture of B vitamins which:

Aids Weight loss

Turns Fat into energy

Makes you feel fuller for longer

Please Note- B12 and Biotin injections are not necessary with this as they include these vitamins.

  • Cost – £40.00

1 injection a week for 4 weeks then 1 a month

Deposits are non-refundable and non-transferable

  • Glutathione Injection

An Injection made up of 3 Amino acids which:

Reduces effects of aging

Decreases Melanin (brightens skin)

Detoxifies Body

Helps reduce skin disorders like Eczema or Psoriasis


Per injection – £35.00

2 injections a week for 4 weeks then top up every 2 months

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