What is Filler?
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Porta semper lacus cursus, feugiat primis ultrice a ligula risus auctor an tempus feugiat dolor lacinia cubilia curae integer orci congue and metus mollislorem primis in integer metus mollis faucibus. Nullam a tempor sapien gravida donec pretium ipsum porta lacinia ultrice

All appointments are subject to a 25% non-refundable and non-transferable deposit.
Liability falls to UK Aesthetics & Makeup Limited.
All Aesthetic Appointments
You are required to numb at least 30 minutes prior to your appointment. Numbing cream can be collected in salon to be applied at home, or you can purchase EMLA numbing cream from any pharmacist
Filler Services
5 Point Face Lift ( 2 treatments 4 weeks apart) lasts 6 months – £350.00
Lip Volume/Lip Border 0.5ml – £100.00
Lip Volume/Lip Border 1ml – £160.00
Cheek Fillers – £275.00
Nasolabial Fold Fillers – £180.00
Chin Fillers – £220.00
Tear Trough and Under Eye Fillers – £300.00
Jawline Filler 2ml – £275.00
Jawline Filler 4ml – £350.00
Jawline Filler 6ml – £50.00
Marionette Line Fillers – £165.00
Non Surgical Nose Rhino Plasty –£300.00
Deposits are non-refundable and non-transferable
50% OFF
Aroma and Jet Hydrotherapy!
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